Andrea Boisson Motta
ALBJoined the firm as an associate lawyer in 1984. On 1989 became inside lawyer at Companhia Siderúrgica Tubarão/CST during the post company privatization to coordinate the sector of contracts, as well as legal advisor on maritime and port matters. Returned to the firm as an associate lawyer in 2006. Professor for eleven years at University Estácio de Sá of Private International Law and State Regulation Law and teacher for one year at Fundação Getúlio Vargas/FGV of State Regulation Law.
Graduated from University of the State of Rio de Janeiro/UERJ Law School in 1981. Post-graduated in Business Law by FGV – Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Post-graduation in Civil Procedure Law at Pontifícia Universidade Católica/PUC and Master of Law by Universidade Cândido Mendes/UCAM. Autor of law books “Regulação Jurídica do Transporte Aquaviário de Mercadorias” (published by Lumen Juris, 2007) and “Curso Introdutório de Direito Internacional do Comércio.” (published by Ed. Manole, 2010). Also published several articles: “A Arbitragem no Brasil e no Direito Comparado: passado e presente.” (as co-autor), “A Função Normativa das Agências Reguladoras” and “Fundamentos do Estado Regulador” (all three in “Direito Empresarial Público III.” published by Ed. Lumen Juris, 2009); “A Responsabilidade Civil das Agências Reguladoras por Danos em Função de Ato Normativo Regulatório” (in “Boletim de Direito Administrativo”. São Paulo: Ed. NDJ, 2006 and updated version in “Responsabilidade Civil Empresarial e da Administração Pública”, Vol. II; Ed. Lumen Juris, 2007). Language: English